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Vehicles imported from Italy or another EU member state

13 February, 2023
The business with vehicles, mostly “second hand”, is particularly popular in Bulgaria. One of the countries from which are most often imported the cars is Italy.

This current article is dedicated and focused not so much on the necessary documents and the procedure for registering used vehicles imported into Bulgaria, as on cases from the practice concerning the possible and unexpected problems that could obstacle the free use of a legally purchased vehicle.

Unpaid invoices and other debts in Italy

November 21, 2022 In commercial and business relations a common problem is non-payment or late payment of invoices for already performed services or activities. When it comes to such situations between partners from different countries the debt collection is more complicated due to communication difficulty or due to lack of knowledge of the legislation of […]

Еmployment credits

07 November, 2022

What they are – Work credits are salaries or other types of wages that the worker has accrued in
the months or years in which he has carried out a certain activity and which he has not received. Therefore they are in a situation in which, even if the work activity has been performed correctly, the employer has not fulfilled it’s legal obligations. The employee therefore has a working credit towards the company and will have the opportunity to recover these credits, as provided by law.

Stop order of vehicles by the police in Italy

November 29, 2021 Both transport companies and private individuals may have to deal, on the occasion of a control carried out by the Police in Italy, during a complaint of violations provided by the traffic law, with the additional accessory sanction of the administrative stop of the vehicle. In addition to the pecuniary sanction, to […]

recupero crediti

European Payment Order

5 novembерr, 2020 The European payment order allows the creditor to quickly recover cash within the European Union. It can be difficult to recover outstanding international loans for the following reasons. – Foreign law applicable in this specific case. – Possible conflict of jurisdiction. – Language and cultural barriers. – Impossibility to find the registered […]

Differences between Cooperative Society and Association

January 20, 2020 The Italian law system with her constitutional rules, provisions of civil code and special laws guarantees to the subjects the right to organize themselves in order to obtain a common purpose. What is the an Association? By association two or more subjects undertake, through a stable organization, to pursue a common non-economic […]