Legal advice
Mrs Boryana Gospodinova is from Bulgaria and practices as a lawyer in Italy where she graduated.
Currently assists companies, entrepreneurs, investors and individuals from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe in judicial and extrajudicial cases in Italy and San Marino, also remotely, and concretely protects their interests, in order to avoid losses of money, profits and earnings.
Assistance is also provided in Bulgarian, by email or through national or international calls.
Our law firm assists companies at 360 degrees, with particular reference to the protection of proprietà_industriale intellectual property. Be informed on this issue is very important to contrast unfair competition (see European Trade Mark marchio_europeo – one proceeding that allows to register a trade mark in all countries that are part of European Union).
As for credit collection we can provide a financial check indagini_patrimoniali to control the solvency of the debtor.
We defend the rights of our clients effectively in their requests and claims, helping them to collect invoices and sums due with interest.
Bg Studio Legale guarantees an effective legal assistance in Italy and San Marino, without problems and blocks of communication, linguistic misunderstandings or delays connected to distance.
We offer the possibility to quickly request and obtain legal advice online, via Skype or by telephone.
For further information and details, contact the following email: